Also, #tbt (“Throwback Thursday”) and #fbf (“Flashback Friday”) are used with a photo from the past, even if that past is as recent as yesterday. ... In 2016 Instagram added a Stories feature (adapted from Snapchat, like many of Instagram's .... Snapchat struggles to nab ... Teachnicallife on Facebook

Also, #tbt (“Throwback Thursday”) and #fbf (“Flashback Friday”) are used with a photo from the past, even if that past is as recent as yesterday. ... In 2016 Instagram added a Stories feature (adapted from Snapchat, like many of Instagram's .... Snapchat struggles to nab ... eff9728655 Teachnicallife on Facebook

Instagram’s Latest Stories Feature Is All About Flashbacks

Matabele ants: Raiders of termites

Instagram's latest Stories feature is all about flashbacks. While Snapchat struggles to nab more users, Instagram is steaming ahead the only way it knows how: .... The Creative Issue – News for Creatives ... A trend that has emerged and remained on many social media platforms, particuarly ... The most popular flashback hashtag on Instagram is #ThrowbackThurdsay which is nearing 40, 000 000 images. ... Childhood photos vary from the cute to the embarrassing, while more recent .... Instagram New Stories Feature Now Share All Of The Flashbacks #AndroidApp #gear #instagram #IosApp #mobile #SocialMedia #android #update .... Instagram's latest Stories feature is all about flashbacks. While Snapchat struggles to nab more users, Instagram is steaming ahead the only way it knows how: .... Instagram's latest Stories feature is all about flashbacks. While Snapchat struggles to nab more users, Instagram is steaming ahead the only way it knows how: ... POD: Easter Art

Teachnicallife on Facebook

Instagram’s Latest Stories Feature Is All About Flashbacks